Whats The Dmg Between Greater Rifts (2024)

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This guide is under development. Its tested at the moment on PTR.
Stay tuned for updates.

My highest one was 61 with 56 seconds left. It was a really good rift though. Usually the bot competes 57-59. I use my own script which is a variation of MrNiceGuys: Ulianas Monk – Patch 2.3 Season 4 I switched for Mantra of Salvation and took the GR55+ FastMode. Nov 01, 2017 Greater Rifts take on the randomization of Regular Rifts, but remove all loot and interactive objects in favor of pure fighting, all the way to the Greater Rift Guardian. Defeating him yields all the spoils earned from the clear, and then some. With their uniquely scaling difficulty.

This is a Scenario that takes you to another world to stop the legion invasion.
In PTR it seemed bugged since you had to do it solo, but I guess that this will be a 3 man scenario.
There are different worlds with different scenarios.

How do I enter an Invasion portal?

It seems that you need to complete the first part of the main storyline which is completing the storyline in Krokuun, which is the starting zone.

In PTR you could talk to Illidan that gives you the first quest regarding invasions after completing the storyline in Krokuun.

Once you are eligible, check the map for a portal (see image below).
Head over to that portal and click on it.
You will then que up for the scenario.

Completing a scenario gives 10 Argus Waystones.
Argus Waystones are 'used by the minions of a Sargeras to forve open portals from Argus to other Legion-contrelled worlds'.
So, it seems that you need Argus Waystones to do more scenarios after you have done the first 'free' one via the Illidan quest.

The different invasion (worlds) scenarios

Different portals take you to different worlds.
There are 6 different worlds (rifts) for the invasion scenarios.

  • Invasion Rift: Ice
  • Invasion Rift: Blood
  • Invasion Rift: Forest
  • Invasion Rift: Fire
  • Invasion Rift: Islands
  • Invasion Rift: Marsh

At the final stage of each invasion rift, there is a miniboss. But it seems that the miniboss is not tied to the actual invasion rift. It seems to be random of which one you get on a certain rift. I have seen 4 different finale bosses on 6 different rifts but I guess there are 6 bosses.

  • Flamebringer Az´rothel
  • Flamecaller Vezrah
  • Baldrazar
  • Flameweaver Verathlx

What are greater Rifts

Greater Rifts has world bosses instead of the 'normal bosses'.

There are 6 World Bosses.

The gear ilvl from world bosses are 930+.

You can see on the world map when a greater rift is up by looking for a skull icon on the portal.

Where is the World boss rift portal located?
It is located in the third zone in Argus, Antoran Wastes, see map.

Tactic/Guide on the different Invasion Rifts

Invasion Rift: Ice

This place has 2 scenarios that differs slightly. Maybe it is just for testing, or that it will be random everytime you enter.

Scenario 1

There are braziers to keep you warm, give you a buff called Braziers Warmth, which increase 1% health ever 3 sec.

There are wind clouds that push you away and do damage.

Stage 1
Kill legion forces

Stage 2
Click on NPC´s in ice blocks to free them and kill adds that spawn.

Stage 3
Kill boss.

Scenario 2

You need to stand next to the braziers to keep you warm, otherwise you will get a debuff called Crippling Cold. This is a stacking debuff that increase 1% dmg every 3 sec and it stacks up fast.

Standing near a brazier will give you a buff called Brazier+s Warmth, which increase 1% health ever 3 sec.

Stage 1

Kill legion forces

Stage 2

Click on NPC´s in ice blocks to free them and kill adds that spawn.

Stage 3

Kill boss

Invasion Rift: Blood

Stage 1
Nuke 3 pillars (blood drainers).
Tentacles will spawn from the ground after you kill the first one.

Stage 2
Tentacles will still spawn.
Kill Legion forces

Stage 3
Kill boss

Invasion Rift: Islands

There are orbs surrounded by a dome.
Standing in that orbs grants you a buff (temporal Distortion) that increase haste by 15% and movement speed by 15%.

Stage 1

Defeat Legion Lieutenants
Tip: kill adds inside the domes.

Stage 2

Destroy the orbs (8) by clicking on them.999
Destroying them grats the buff and stacks 8 times (8 orbs)
Remember that adds will spawn directly when you enter stage 2

Final Stage

Kill the Commander
The Orbs with domes are up again.

Invasion Rift: Forest

Green clouds disorient you and makes you suffer 6% of maximum health every 1 sec for 5 seconds.

Stage 1
Defeat Legion Invaders
Watch out for green clouds.

Stage 2
Kill 12 Shadowslakers
Big adds that can teleport behind you and leave a web on the ground that slows you, and after some seconds it shoots venoms on you

Final Stage
Ensure Victory
Adds that you have killed respawns so beware.
Clear some adds so you have some space to move.

Invasion Rift: Marsh

Stage 1
Defeat Legion forces (kill mobs until you reach 100%)

Stage 2
Kill Hellfire infernals (8)
The Infernals walks around in groups with other mobs.
Remember that mobs from stage 1 are still there and may respawn.
Several big mobs called Fel Enraged Shambler walks around as well, stay away form them.
If you pull one, watch out for frontal beam attack and spores that hits several places on the ground.

Stage 3
Defeat the Legion Commander
Mobs from stage 1 and 2 are still there. Not sure if they respawn.

Tactic/Guide on the different bosses

Boss: Flamebringer Az´rothel

Tank: Tank the boss just outside a Brazier and stand inside it yourself. Move to another Brazier when boss puts lava on ground.
DPS: Nuke the orbs before they explode. They spawn explosions several times before the orb is gone.
Watch out for fire breath from boss.

Boss: Flamecaller Vezrah

What's The Dmg Between Greater Rifts Full

Do not stand near braziers because that heals boss.
Boss has a stacking buff that increases her fire dmg.
Boss does fire bombardments that does nasty damage, especially if boss has high pyro buff that increases her fire dmg.
Boss summons fire waves periodically.
I haven’t found a way that removes the boss fire buff.

Boss: Baldrazar

What's The Dmg Between Greater Rifts Game

Tank the boss outside the dome, he gains the buff as well if he is inside.,
Nuke Gripping shadows fast otherwise they will grab you and toss you around and do dmg.
Interrupt shadow bolt volley
Move away when he does frontal shadow breath (cone dmg)

Boss: Flameweaver Verathlx

Summons small Volcanoes underneath him from time to time. They spit out fire on the ground so move away from volcano area. These volcanoes don’t seem to de-spawn.
Summons Fire waves that pass the entire platform, beware.

Whats The Dmg Between Greater Rifts (1)

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One of the best Monk builds with one of the best Greater Rifts pushing capabilities

Sunwuko is one of the best Monk sets in Diablo 3. It offers several solid builds for various purposes. Here, we are presenting the best Solo Greater Rift pushing build based on the Monkey King's Garb set. If you prefer better mobility over raw DPS, you can also try the Sunwuko WoL's speed-farming variation. Our full guide can be found here.

To check the full list of our Best Diablo 3 builds visit: The Best Diablo 3 builds by Odealo

Table of contents

  1. General information
  2. Recommended items
  3. Recommended skills

General information

Offhand dmg two weapon fighting pathfinder. The entire build is based on the

Monkey King's Garb

(named after Sunwuko the Monkey King) set which provides the following bonuses:

  • Damage taken is reduced by 50% while Sweeping Wind is active (2/6)
  • Sweeping Wind spawns a decoy every tick next to the last enemy the Monk hit. The decoy taunts nearby enemies and then explodes for 1000% damage for each stack of Sweeping Wind currently active within 10 yards (4/6)
  • Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush, and Wave of Light have their damage increased by 1500% for each stack of Sweeping Wind the Monk currently has (6/6)

Sunwuko set in combination with Vengeful Wind legendary Fist Weapon increases the damage of Wave of Light to an insane level. This combined with all the items listed below, make up for one of the strongest damage dealing abilities in the game. It is even further amplified by the use of Bastions of Will rings. Your primary attack also is used to generate additional Spirit (you won't be able to use Epiphany - Insight for that purpose), and grant increased damage reduction thanks to Spirit Guards legendary Bracers.

Sunwuko WoL build is easy to play. All you have to do is to keep your Sweeping Wind up (just casting it once you start a Greater Rift is more than enough) and spam Wave of Light. You also need to keep your buffs up that include Spirit Guards, Bastions of Will and Dashing Strike Dodge Chance to stay alive.

Odealo is a secure trading platform for MMO players. Diablo 3 is one of the supported games in which you can buy Multiboxing, Power Leveling and Boosting services.

Recommended items


Head - Tzo Krin's Gaze
Stat priorities:
1) Critical Hit Chance
2) Socket
3) Dexterity / High special power value
4) Vitality
4) Secondary res.
Special power:
Increases Wave of Light damage by 125-150%
Wave of Light is now cast at your enemy
Chest - Sunwuko's Soul
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) Reduced damage from Elites
4) Secondary res.

Pants -Sunwuko's Leggings
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) Armor
4) Secondary res.

Gloves- Sunwuko's Paws
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Critical Hit Chance
3) Critical Hit Damage
4) Reduced Resource Cost
5) Secondary res.
Boots - Crudest Boots
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) Increased Wave of Light damage
4) Armor
5) Secondary res.
Special power:
Mystic Ally summons double the number of Mystic Allies that fight by your side

Pauldrons - Sunwuko's Balance
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) Reduced Resource Cost
4) All elemental resistances

Bracers - Spirit Guards
Stat priorities:
1) Critical Hit Chance
2) Fire damage%
3) Dexterity
4) Vitality
5) Secondary res.
Special power:
Spirit Generators reduce all damage taken by 45-60% for 3 seconds
Amulet - Sunwuko's Shines
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Critical Hit Damage
3) Critical Hit Chance
4) Fire damage%
5) Dexterity
Ring - Focus
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Critical Hit Chance
3) Critical Hit Damage
4) Resource Cost Reduction
5) Area damage
6) Dexterity
(Part of the Bastions Will set)
Set bonuses:
  • Casting a resource-generating attack or primary skill grants 50% increased damage for 5 seconds. (2/2)
  • The first hit with each cast of a resource-spending attack grants 50% increased damage for 5 seconds. (2/2)

Ring - Restraint
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Critical Hit Chance
3) Critical Hit Damage
4) Resource Cost Reduction
5) Area damage
6) Dexterity
(Part of the Bastions Will set)

Belt - Kyoshiro's Soul
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) Life%
4) Armor
5) Secondary res.
Special power:
Sweeping Wind gains 2 stacks every second it does not deal damage to any enemies
Weapon - Vengeful Wind (mandatory)
1) Socket
2) Stack count increased by 7
3) High average damage
4) Damage%
5) Dexterity
6) Resource Cost reduction
Special power

Increases the maximum stack count of Sweeping Wind by 6-7

Weapon - Kyoshiro's Blade (optional)
1) Socket
2) High average damage
3) Damage%
4) Dexterity
5) Resource Cost reduction
Special power

Increases the damage of Wave of Light by 150%. When the initial impact of Wave of Light hits 3 or fewer enemies, the damage is further increased by 200-250%

Bonus Items for Season 16
(thanks to built-in Ring of Royal Grandeur power)
Ring - Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac
Reduces the remaining cooldown of one of the skills by 1 second when hitting with a resource-spending attack
Use in Kanai Cube instead of RoRG
Kanai Cube powers
Incense Torch of The Grand Temple
Reduces the Spirit cost of Wave of Light by 50%, and increases its damage by 450-500%
Pinto's Pride
Wave of Light also Slows enemies by 80% for 3 seconds and deals 125–150% increased damage
Can be freely replaced with Nemesis Bracers. If you put Pinto's Pride bracers in the cube, you are guaranteed to get the 150% Increased Wave of Light damage though
Ring of Royal Grandeur
Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 1 (to a minimum of 2)
Legendary Gems
Bane of the Trapped
  • Increases damage done to enemies under the control-impairing effects by 15%
    Upgrade: +0.3% additional damage per Rank
  • Gain an aura that slows the movement speed of enemies within 15 yards by 30% (Requires Rank 25)
Bane of the Stricken
  • Each attack you make against an enemy increases the damage it takes from your attacks by 0.8%. Upgrade: +0.01% damage per Rank
  • Gain 25% increased damage against Rift Guardians and bosses (Requires Rank 25)
Zei's Stone of Vengeance
  • Damage dealt to each enemy hit is increased by 4% for every 10 yards between you and the enemy hit. Maximum 20% increase at 50 yards. Upgrade: +0.08% additional damage for every 10 yards, and +0.40% maximum damage bonus (at full range) per Rank
  • 20% chance on hit to Stun the enemy hit for 1 second (Requires Rank 25)

Recommended skills

What's The Dmg Between Greater Rifts 2

Active Skills

Wave of Light
Focus a wave of light that crushes enemies for 835% damage as Holy
Explosive Light
Releases 8 waves in all directions, each dealing 830% weapon damage. Changes damage type to Fire
Your main DPS skill. With all the required items equipped, you are allowed to freely spam it
Dashing Strike
Quickly dash up to 50 yards, striking enemies along the way for 370% damage as Physical
Blinding Speed
Changes damage type to Cold, and grants 40% dodge chance for 4 seconds after using the dash
Main mobility skill. Used also for the amazing defensive buff
Crippling Wave
Unleash a series of large sweeping attacks that deal 155% damage as Physical to all enemies in front of the Monk. Every third hit also dazes enemies within 11 yards, slowing their movement speed by 30% and attack speed by 20% for 3 seconds.
Changes damage type to Cold, increases the range and also freezes enemies with every third hit
We recommend using Desert Shroud rune. The additional spirit regen. might be only useful in extremely long and exhausting fights (GR.100+)
Sweeping Wind
Surrounds the Monk in a vortex that continuously deals 105% damage as Physical per tick to all enemies within 10 yards. The vortex lasts 6 seconds and is refreshed each time the Monk strikes an enemy with a melee attack. Landing a Critical Hit has a chance to increase the vortex effect, up to 3 stacks for a total of 315% damage per tick
Inner Storm
While at maximum stacks grants 8 Spirit regenerated per second
Mandatory skill. Provides Spirit regeneration, and increases the damage of your Wave of Light skill
Mystic Ally
Passive: A mystic ally fights by the Monk's side. The ally deals 130% of their damage as Physical per swing. When the ally dies, it is reborn after 5 seconds
Active: The Mystic Ally has its damage increased by 50% for 10 seconds
Air Ally
Passive: Increases spirit regeneration by 4 per second
Active: Instantly restores 100 spirit
Air Allies are used for Spirit regeneration only
Mantra of Salvation
Passive: You and your allies within 60 yards gain 20% increased resistance to all elements
Active: You and your allies gain an additional 20% increased resistance to all elements for 3 seconds
Also passively increases dodge chance by 35%
As you can no longer gain damage reduction from Unity and Epiphany it is required to cover up for the missing toughness by changing aura to Mantra of Salvation. If you are comfortable with your current level you may as well use Mantra of Healing - Circular Breathing for increased Spirit regen.
Passive Skills
40% of the Player's single elemental resistances from items increases also resistance to all elements
Beacon of Ytar
Reduces all cooldowns by 20%
Sixth Sense

Increases maximum Spirit by 50 and Spirit Regeneration by 4 per second

The Guardian's Path
Provides one of the bonuses depending on the type of weapon equipped:
  • Dual-wielding: +35% dodge chance
  • Two-handed weapons: +15% Spirit generation from all sources

In general, there is no item trading in Diablo 3. However, loot found while playing in a party can be given to other members within a 2-hour time frame. This allowed Legendary and Set gear to be offered by boosters in form of Multiboxing and Boosting services - all of which can be found on the Odealo marketplace.

If you have suggestions or requests for different Monk builds, please let us know in the comments below.

What's The Dmg Between Greater Rifts 1

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment.

Whats The Dmg Between Greater Rifts (2024)


What is Greater Rift torment equivalent to? ›

A level 1 Greater Rift is very easy, equivalent to Normal difficulty (or less.) Greater Rifts scale up quickly though, and will become challenging for any player ability. Level 8 is equivalent to about Torment 1, Level 15 is equivalent to about [Torment 3, and Level 25 is approximately the same as Torment 6.

What is the drop chance of greater rift keystones? ›

Greater Rift Keystones are not unique; players may stack as many of them as desired. Drop chance increases with difficulty, from 100% to get one at Torment I, with increasing chances to get two (until guaranteed at Torment XI), and an increasing chance to get three after that. As of patch 2.6.

What is the max level Greater Rift? ›

There is no maximum level Grift, as the monster hit points, damage, etc, scale up infinitely with higher GRs. Monster exp also increases with the GRift, and farming high level grifts is worth vastly more experience than playing on even Torment 10. (Especially in multiplayer parties.)

What Greater Rift level do primals drop? ›

In order to be able to find Primal Ancients you need to have completed Greater Rift (70 or higher) solo.

What Greater Rift level is T16? ›

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - Difficulty Overview
Greater Rift equivalent-GR75
Monster health100%13 888 770%
Monster damage100%64 725%
+ XP0%17 000%
9 more rows

What is the max level in torment? ›

Various Achievements and Season Journey steps require tasks to be completed at higher Torment levels. Difficulty levels up to Torment VI are available any time in a character's progression. Higher Torment settings are only accessible at the maximum Character Level of 70.

Can gold drop in Greater Rifts? ›

Monsters killed in Greater Rifts don't drop any loot. All the Gold-generating effects (such as Boon of the Hoarder or Goldskin) are also disabled. Instead you get a massive amount of loot when you finish the rift by killing the Rift Guardian.

How many floors can you have in Greater Rift? ›

Greater Rift levels have no limit, and most high level players can complete Greater Rifts of significantly higher level than the maximum Torment difficulty. Greater Rifts were added in patch 2.1.

What is the level cap in Rift game? ›

The expansion added new content including a mini game called Minions, an expanded mentoring system, new zones including the Plane of Water, and raised the level cap to 65. In March 2016, Rift was given support for multicore processors and the client was updated to 64 bit to increase performance.

How do you level up fast in Rift? ›

If you really are desperate for speed then Intrepid Instant Adventures are the fastest way to solo level. While Questing visit your main city regularly and pick up any quests you find there too, a lot of these will be 'breadcrumb' quests that will take you to other areas on the map.

Can you get primals from Kadala? ›

Blood Shards can also be banked as the player nears the ability to complete a level 70 Greater Rift, so that they are not wasted before the (admittedly slim) chance to receive a Primal item from Kadala is unlocked.

What torment level do primals drop? ›

Primal Ancients can drop from any source of Legendary item in the game, including Horadric Caches, Kadala, and Kanai's Cube, but only after having completed at least a level 70 Greater Rift.

Does difficulty affect Greater Rifts? ›

The difficulty doesn't effect the greater rifts only normal rifts. Basically the faster you can clear the greater rifts a higher difficulty will unlocked So, if you're on a difficulty that's too hard for you, but still manage to struggle through, once the timer reaches 0 you can keep going.

What level is torment in Diablo 4? ›

World Tier 4: Torment

The game recommends completing this at level 70, and Torment difficulty is recommended for level 70 and higher. Torment grants a baseline of 200% bonus experience. Monsters overcome 40% more character resistance but provide 15% more gold and 200% more experience.

Do higher torment drop better gear? ›

Higher torments increase how much loot drops, which over time statistically improves your chance of getting better drops. The only exception here is unlocking primals, which requires a lvl 70 solo greater rift.

What are rift levels? ›

The rifts have 1-10 levels. Each level is effectively a different dungeon, with a different monster combination (completely independent from the normal monster type set for that zone). The Rift is accessed via any of the Nephalem Obelisks, and can be opened at any time, at no cost.

What's the difference between Greater Rift and empowered rift? ›

Empowered Rift

When activating a Greater Rift, you can choose to Empower it. Empowering a Greater Rift will allow you one extra chance at upgrading a Legendary Gem once it's completed (giving you a maximum of 5 chances).


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