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Come closer, little one

᯽Author: bvidzsoo

᯽Pairing: Park Seonghwa x female reader x Kang Yeosang

᯽Warning: violence, death, consensual smut, nonconsensual kiss, spitting in one's mouth I die, morally grey subjects (it's subtle ngl), let me know if I forgot anything!

᯽Word count: 16.3k

᯽Genre: Fantasy, Dark Romance, Gore, Supranatural, Fae

᯽Rating: nsfw, nc-17

᯽Summary: One wouldn't know pure and raw evil until they encountered the evil Gwyllion twins, Park Seonghwa and Kang Yeosang. Fae's that lured you deep into the woods and sucked your life essence away weren't just mere folklore to the people of the Kingdom of the Fallen, more specifically, to those native to Glimraskoltr. One would know better not to wander deep into the woods during Samhain, but when a beautiful gravely voice whispered sweet nothings into your ear, luring you closer and closer towards their sharp claws, would you be able to resist them? Would you be able not to fall in love at first sight with the abnormally beautiful, and mesmerizing, creature?

᯽A/N: My loves! I'm back with another part for Beyond The Obscure series, finally!! Promise you won't have to wait so long again for the next chapter ^^ (I'm sh*tting my pants thinking about Woosan's part, y'all ain't ready) This part is...a lot to deal with, imo, but nothing is too descriptive imo, and the non-consensual scenes aren't long nor too detailed, I promise (and it doesn't go beyond a forced kiss). Before you start reading, please, read the following clarifications:

∞ Samhain: is aGaelicfestival on 1st of November, marking the end of theharvestseason and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year;

∞ Gwyllon/Gwyll: "ghosts, spirits" and "night-wanderers" (human or supernatural) up to no good, outlaws of the wild -> but in this story they are interpreted as Fae with supernatural powers;

∞ Aberystruth:was an ancient ecclesiastical parish inWales, located beside the north-west corner of the county ofMonmouthshireagainst the border withBreconshireand between the parishes ofBedwelltyandTrevethin. It extended fromBeaufortin the north beyondAbertilleryin the south. -> I read that in folklore it served as a border between humans and supernatural, I hope I'm not wrong -> this is what inspired the name of the town MC lives in;

∞ Glimraskoltr: compound noun made by me, using the old etymology of the words: glimmer + skull;

Ngl I had a lot of fun writing this and I really hope you all enjoy it! Please leave feedback, I absolutely love reading your thoughts about my works, you guys always make my day! ^^ Taglist is open, so just comment on the post if you're interested in the future parts (check out the series' masterlist too to understand how the series works, thank you!) (divider)

᯽Taglist: @seonghwaddict @thunderous-wolf @simpforyunsangho @kitten4sannie @aaa-sia

@tiny2018 @holytidalwavechees3cake @kickti @atee*z-atiny380 @amrose8


─═☆Series M.list☆═─

«Previous part »

1 year ago

Laughter and screams of joy rang around myself, blurry and a little distant at times as my temples thumped and chest heaved, breathless after countless hours of dancing around in a circle, surrounding the fire lit by the Druid, that was now sat alone at a wooden table, eyes ablaze as he watched his people grace the Gods and King Jeong. I stumbled before being able to break free from the circle, giggling as I crashed against a strong body with a dashing smile on their face, and sparkling eyes looking down at me. Lee Chan was a righteous man, and very respectable, always working hard, and too much for someone as young as himself. The mead that was served at each wooden table was produced by him and his older brother, Lee Seokmin, the two resembling the sun at times. I thanked Chan feebly before I detached myself from his arms and walked towards the wooden table designated for my family, which was decorated with candles, rusty fallen leaves, and carved pumpkins. My feet were aching and my chest felt like someone was sitting on it, but I welcomed the celebratory atmosphere and smiled widely as the people in the dance circle cheered loudly, the music almost instinctively getting louder as the little village’s musicians seemed to be playing even more ferociously than before.

The full moon was high up in the sky, witness to our shenanigans, and the chill air seemed to dissipate around the little meadow we resided in currently as the night seemed to be still young for the celebrating folk of Glimraskoltr. Harvest was over, at last, and we were preparing for the unforgiving winter that was yet to come, having been advised by the local Druid and constable to save up a lot this year. Our current times weren’t the brightest, King Jeong failed to provide us with many goods this year and everyone knew he wouldn’t do it even if we were on the brink of perish. But tonight was Samhain, and any ill-spoken word against your King was to be punished with death—not that any other time it wasn’t—and so, everyone had to be on their best behavior.

Earlier in the day, my family and I had traveled down to the capital city, Aurora, and graced our King with goods that we wouldn’t need for the winter, for which we got rewarded with his blessings, promising us an even better year that was slowly, but surely, approaching. Nobody believed the King, our year would be good only if we worked harder than before, our efforts never truly appreciated by the ruthless ruler. The King had everything; we, mere peasants, barely had anything. And there was nothing we could do about it, not as long as everyone was terrified to stand up against the King. Glimraskoltr hadn’t lost faith in the crown prince of the Kingdom of the Fallen, we know he would return and save us from the tyrant that our King is. Prince Choi San would bring light to our Kingdom one day, and until then, people had to be strong and hold on.

The mead was cold as I took a large sip of it from the big jug placed on the wooden table, the dense forest dark behind myself. The meadow we resided in for Samhain was big and not far off from the cobblestone road that led just outside of our humble village, our people afraid of venturing too deep inside the arcane and ghastly forest of the Fae. Stories of creepy creatures and ghosts were real in Glimraskoltr, it has always been part of who we are. Mysterious disappearances were quite frequent around here, and they mostly happened during solstices, or important feasts. The beasts were most powerful when the energies of the Universe aligned and opened the veil between the living and the dead. Samhain was their most favorite time of the year.

As a child, I have been warned numerous times to stay away from the forest, or the lakes on the outskirts of it, as water fae were eager to drown you and absorb your body for beauty and an everlasting life. I had always been curious, but I was also rather scared of the unknown, and thus, stayed far away from the forests surrounding our small village. It’s only the third time I’m attending the Samhain festivities well into the night, finally of age to partake in the rituals and good wishes led by our village’s Druid. I smiled as I noticed my mother trying to detach herself from the dancing circle, her flower crown on the verge of slipping off her head, her wild black hair untamed once again. My father was nowhere to be seen, but that wasn’t something unusual. He knew not to get lost in the woods as he was a forester, and he knew these woods like the back of his hand.

I took another sip of the mead in the jug and noticed the soft breeze had turned slightly chillier, making goosebumps erupt on my arms covered by a thin layer of the sleeve of my soft pink dress. Maidens were supposed to wear soft colors that represented their purity during the festivities, hair decorated with intricate braids and small flowers secured into the twists. My light-colored hair made me look even sicklier as my complex was already ghostly, something I inherited from both my parents. The last blonde woman in my family has been my great-grandmother, but the gene must have returned with me.

My head was spinning, and there was a light buzz underneath my skin, warming my cheeks and making them look red as I carefully stood, swaying a little as I steadied myself against the wooden table. During Samhain, it was allowed to overstep your limits and explore yourself, making me realize that I couldn’t hold my liquor well after the second pint. I had stopped drinking halfway during my third pint of mead, yet the dancing around the blazing fire didn’t help clear my mind. Somehow I didn’t mind, it made me feel lighter, a little less carefree. I was nearing the age where I would have to marry and gift children to the village, yet I didn’t feel quite ready yet. Despite the boy called Lee Chan being a smart match, I couldn’t find myself loving him back. My parents have tried matching me with various bachelors of the village, even from Aurora and the neighboring village, Mist, but it seemed like nobody was able to capture my attention for long. Shaking thoughts of men away, I smiled as a girl around my age stumbled in front of the table, almost falling, as I quickly rushed to help her stand straight again. There was a drunken haze coating her eyes and she giggled as she threw her arms around my shoulders, hugging herself tightly against me. I chuckled and patted her head, not surprised by her affectionate manners. She had always been a little touchier than most girls.

“My savior,” She mumbled against my neck, hiccupping, “my princess in her soft pink dress.”

I chuckled and tried to pry her off myself, “Sana, sweets, how much have you had to drink?”

“Too much to count.” She giggled and pulled her head back, looking me in the eyes, “Has anyone told you that you have the prettiest eyes in this Kingdom?”

My cheeks tinged red harder and I laughed, shyly dismissing her compliment, “You are the first one, I won’t forget your compliment.”

“You smell soft too.” Sana mumbled as I carefully unwrapped her arms from around my neck and took a step back, stomach tightening a little at her actions and words.

“Thank you.” I thanked her and let go off her, putting distance between our bodies, “I shall return to the dancing circle now.”

“Come honor the King later, Y/N.” Sana’s voice was low as a sneaky smile appeared on her lips, “Did you know his Grace chose our village as his residence for this year’s Samhain?”

My eyes widened, surprised that I haven’t heard of this before, “No, who told you this?”

“It’s a secret.” Sana smirked, legs almost giving out underneath her, “Just follow his knight when you see him.”

“You mean, Song Mingi?” I asked in a whisper, heart thumping in curiosity. Sana quickly shushed me, looking around.

“Don’t tell anyone, only a few of us are supposed to know about this.” Sana whispered, stealing a grape off my family’s wooden table. I nodded once and took a step backwards, shivering as another cold breeze blew through the meadow.

“I won’t tell anyone.” I muttered before excusing myself to head back to the fire, the Druid having joined the circle again as the music picked up its rhythm, becoming faster than before as people cheered and moved in fascinating ways that required a lot of footwork and talent. I still had a lot to learn, but I couldn’t have been more excited about it as I veered around the abandoned wooden tables and drunken villagers, eyes set on my mother as she laughed and twirled around with whoever was next to her. In my haste, however, I didn’t fail to notice the light snap of a branch higher up, almost as if a squirrel miscalculated its landing from one tree to another and clumsily slid off the branch, hitting another one.

Precious, little one…

Almost at once my steps halted, Lee Seokmin almost crashing into me as he was following just behind me. He made a surprised noise and I halfheartedly apologized as my eyes fell onto the tree where the noise had come from. Who had spoken? Why was it so faint? I tilted my head and took a hesitant step towards the tree, the meadow well-lit by the big fire. It reached around the wooden tables placed around the clearing, however, if you walked past them, the light became dimmer and dimmer, until it completely disappeared, coating the forest in terrifying darkness.

So beautiful and young…

I gasped, heart racing a little faster as I froze again, looking up at the branch that had made the snapping noise, unable to see anything. The voice was still faint, yet somehow I felt like I was a little bit closer to it. I glanced around myself, curiously, wondering if anyone else heard the whispers coming from the scary forest. But everyone seemed lost in their shenanigans as I stepped closer to the tree, fingers brushing against its rough bark.

Need to see you from closer…

I gulped, looking behind the tree, wondering if someone from the village was playing some game with me, too drunk to realize that they were scaring me. The grass was a little higher here and it brushed against my ankle, shoes long discarded, as I pressed my hand firmly against the trunk of the tree and walked around it, searching for the wispy voice.

Come closer, little one…

My eyes widened as a branch from the tree a little deeper inside the forest snapped, making me look up at it. I gasped as two glinting orbs seemed to be watching me, my blood freezing in me as I wondered what I was looking at. No folk book said anything about glinting orbs, perhaps they were souls of the forest, protecting us, looking out for danger, keeping the vicious creatures away from our kin.

So pretty, so soft, come closer, little one…

I giggled at the soft voice, the loud music and hubbub caused by the people fading little by little the further inside I walked the dark forest. I braced myself against another tree, looking behind myself to make sure that I was still close enough to the meadow, making sure I wouldn’t get lost. When I turned my head to face the forest again, I gasped in wonder, hands flying to my mouth. Little fireflies seemed to light up a narrow path for me, coating the dark forest in faint light, drawing me in deeper accompanied by the velvety voice that seemed to get louder now.

So pretty and young, come closer, little one…

I giggled again, cheeks burning as I stumbled forward, completely oblivious to my mother’s desperate cries as the forest engulfed me, luring me further inside and forever away from my kin. The whisper wasn’t so faint anymore, it seemed as if I was getting closer and closer to it, I could almost feel it against the skin of my neck, soft fingertips trailing up and down my goosebump covered arms, guiding my path as the fireflies disappeared behind me. The wind was harsher between the trees, but I paid it no mind as I took off running, laughing when vines tickled my ankles and the whispers coaxed me towards the edge of the forest.

One more step, little one, we are so close…­

Almost as if an invisible barrier was placed in front of me, I abruptly stopped, eyes widening when I realized where I was. Having walked away from the meadow where the festivity was held, the path I had walked down led me towards the border between the East and Vest. The border between the humans and fae. I gulped, suddenly feeling nervous as I gazed at the sturdy wooden plank stuck inside the murky ground, a warning for the territory you’d be crossing. There were no guarantees you’d return ever again if you crossed beyond the border, no guarantees that you’d survive the vast forest that spread on endlessly.

Don’t be scared, little one, we’ll protect you, precious…

My heart was hammering against my chest as I tentatively extended a hand beyond the border, for some foolish reason expecting something horrendous to happen to me. But nothing happened, except the loud howls of the wolves that made me jump and stumble past the border, leaving the safety of my homeland. There were few people who lived in the West side, mostly Druids and fairies that only visited our village if someone desperately needed their help and blessings. And the price was rarely worth it, but humans were desperate and fairies took full advantage of that.

Come closer, little one, let us embrace you, let us feel you…

I smiled as the fireflies appeared once again, making a rather zigzagged path for me to follow as my head slowly cleared, the full moon shining down almost menacingly, almost as if it tried to warn me of something. But I was too drunk on the curiosity running through my veins, and upon realizing that the whispers were so much louder now, I couldn’t contain myself anymore as I hopped down the dimly lit path, oblivious to the snarls and footsteps that would occasionally follow behind me.

So young and full of life, maidens like you are always so delicious, little one…

My eyebrows raised as I felt the caress of a hand on my cheek, making me shy as I turned my head to the left, a little self-conscious as the orbs appeared in the darkness once again, shining a bright pink this time. I gasped and froze, eyebrows furrowing as I could make out a human form just barely, the darkness too abiding for me to see clearly. I felt something caress the small of my back, making me jump forward and turn around, heart beating faster once again.

Don’t be scared, little one, it’s just us, I’ll protect you from anything, precious…

I bit my lower lip, feeling shy again as I faced the fireflies again, eyes widening as the dark shadow extended its hand towards me. The shadow was far in the distance, yet its energy all of a sudden seemed to wrap around my whole being as I was pulled forward, almost as if it wasn’t me who controlled my body anymore. It was a weird feeling, but I was curious, and so, I allowed myself to walk towards it.

So obedient, so good for me, little one…

My cheeks burned as the orbs seemed to pulsate, the forest becoming eerily silent as the hairs on my arms stood, body shivering involuntarily. There were no sounds around me and I came to the sudden alarming realization that the moon had disappeared, the trees were trapping me in. The orbs abruptly disappeared at the same time as the fireflies did, and I went rigid, breath stilling in my throat as my heart started to pound.

So young, pretty, and full of life…all of you for me, little one…

I didn’t dare move as I felt something powerful and dark sweep around my being, permeating between the trees, closing in on me menacingly, “What—what are you?”

My voice was barely above a whisper, and I sounded embarrassingly terrified as I got no answer. Could this be the King? Was this what Sana had mentioned earlier? But there was no sight of Song Mingi, and despite how cruel the King was, I knew his Grace was smart enough to not meddle with the fae folk. A twig snapped behind me and I whirled around with a gasp, body shaking as I felt dread creep up my whole being. I couldn’t see anything. It was so dark that I could have closed my eyes and there wouldn’t have been any difference to it.

My pretty prey, run, little one, run…

My body trembled as I turned around in circles, trying to determine which way I had come, trying to find the path leading back home. But the darkness and the forest were so dense, that I was helpless as my lips quivered, tears springing into my eyes.

“I said, run!” A deep voice suddenly shouted loudly, its raspiness echoing around the trees, making me scream as my feet took off at once, gripping the bottom of my soft pink dress as I raised it above my knees. My vision blurred with tears as I tried to breathe through my mouth and avoid crashing into the tall trees, head thumping heavily from the mead I have drank and the sudden dread that whispered quietly that I was going to die. I was so stupid, whatever this creature was, it lured me away from the safety of my home. It knew I was a maiden, perfect for their sick ritual on Samhain, and I was naïve enough to fall for it. I couldn’t blame anyone else but myself, yet a desperate cry for my mother ripped through my throat as I ran even faster, feet hurting from the forest floor as sharp branches tore at my soft dress, making me sob louder.

“You smell so good, little one.” I pushed myself to run faster when I heard the voice right behind me, “I’m coming to get you, run faster!”

Its screams were terrifying and manic, a laugh so shrill that it pierced my eardrums for a second, and the small distraction led to my downfall—quite literally. My feet tangled into vines creeping up towards my ankles, and before I could catch myself, I was brought down to the cold ground harshly, tearing a scream from my throat as I landed on my front. My bones rattled as my whole-body shook, tears relentlessly streaming down my cheeks as I tried to scramble up to my feet, but the vines crept higher and higher up on my legs, firmly gripping and digging into my naked skin underneath my dress.

“Found you, little one.” The raspy whisper was directly in my ear and I gasped, trying to fling myself away from it, only to crash into something firm and strong. I flinched away again and clumsily flipped onto my back, breathing heavily and sniffing loudly as two pink orbs stared down at me menacingly, a set of white sharp teeth the only other visible feature of the creature. I whined and started crawling backwards, shaking my head and continuously whispering no, pleading with the creature to release me, to let me live. But the creature seemed to enjoy my begging and desperation as it crouched down and firmly gripped my right ankle, yanking me towards itself. A cry left my lips, and before I could trash around and scramble away, hot fingers encircled my neck, something very sharp digging into my skin. I couldn’t even scream anymore as my mouth opened in a silent cry, oxygen cut off from my lungs as the creature came closer, features visible now as its round eyes continued glowing pink. It had a tall nose, plump lips that were pulled into a grin so wide no human’s mouth could stretch so far. Its skin was tan and flawless, so beautiful that even one that bathed daily in the Fountain of Youth wouldn’t look so ethereal. Its blonde hair hung in its pink eyes, and I choked on nothing as my vision started blackening.

“Oh, little one.” But just as I have accepted my faith, the fingers disappeared from my neck and suddenly my body was turned to the left as I gasped for air, clutching my neck desperately as violent coughs shook my body. My lungs hurt from the sudden influx of air as I struggled to find my breathing again.

“Shh, precious,” A voice that was new, and extremely grave, whispered against my forehead as I felt two hot lips pressing against my cold skin, “He won’t hurt you; I won’t let him.”

My body trembled and I tried to wrestle myself away from the arms that had wrapped around me, but it held onto me tightly, securely. At once, the vines seemed to retract from my legs and thighs, and I felt less on the verge of hysteria as I realized I was free, that I could run again.

“What are you—”

“Silence.” The deep voice hissed, making me freeze until I felt fingers going through my hair, undoing the braids oh, so carefully. My heart raced, yet this new presence didn’t feel as threatening as the first one. I felt—safe.

“I’m keeping her.” The dark voice stated, firm, and leaving no room for disagreement.

“I found her.” The other voice, the raspy and menacing one, hissed, booming almost, “She’s my prey.”

“I found her for us, not you!” The voice of the creature that held me boomed around us strongly, making me tremble in his arms as I suddenly felt myself lifted into a sitting position. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes, gasping at the face of the ethereal creature in front of me. Its eyes were glowing purple, sparkling in the darkness, holding a softness I haven’t seen before in any human. Its nose was delicate and almost button-like, plush looking lips pulled into a sincere smile, hiding its sharp teeth. Its skin was sickly fair, a red discoloration tainting its left temple. The creature’s face looked to be straight out of a fae folk book, and I was mesmerized, instantly taken by its softness and beauty. Its blonde hair was strikingly similar to the first creature’s, styled in the same way as strands fell in its kind eyes.

“Will you—will you hurt me?” I whispered, feeling a permeating darkness wrap around us, energy crackling as the creature that held me whipped its head up, looking at the scary one. The crackling didn’t stop for a few seconds, until suddenly the sounds of the forest seemed to return at once, wolves howling in the distance, breeze picking up into a full wind as the trees were swayed by it.

“No, precious,” The creature holding me smiled lightly, lowering its head closer to mine, “You’re coming back with us.”

And until its hot lips didn’t press against mine, I had never felt pure and maddening love. But now, I knew what love meant, and I didn’t want to release it just yet as I desperately clung onto the man, in a daze, as he effortlessly lifted me into his arms, in a whisper telling me to close my eyes and sleep. And I obliged, because I have never felt safer than in that exact moment.

Current time

It’s been exactly one year since I have been enraptured by Yeosang, and subsequently by Seonghwa too. Many would think I have gone mad for willingly staying with the gwyllon twins, but I couldn’t have imagined a better life for myself. Here, away from the prying and judging eyes of society, I could finally be myself. Nobody forced me into doing things I wasn’t comfortable with—like having to love Lee Chan for the rest of my life and bear his kids. Here, in the vast forest of the Fae, King Jeong didn’t have the same power over creatures like he had over humans in his own realm. Here, I was a free woman, allowed to roam around and live the life I have always dreamed of as a little girl. As long as I stayed inside the property, where the wards placed around by Yeosang could reach, I was safe from all of the other malevolent creatures of the forest. But sometimes the malevolent creatures weren’t outside the wards, they were living with you, inside the safety of your own home. Seonghwa, the older twin between the two, never quite grew to like my presence, repulsed by my humanity and needs that he, as a gwyllon, does not have. No matter how hard Yeosang and I tried to make peace, Seonghwa remained animus and even life-threatening at times towards me. He wasn’t the nicest company to have on days when Yeosang would have to visit the Druids living by the outskirts of the forest, but I was thankful that he still hasn’t kicked me out—or worse, killed me—in Yeosang’s absence. Usually, the older twin would be cooped up in his study room, either studying ancient books the King would kill to get his hands on, or playing the piano, tunes matching his mood, and reverberating through the homey cottage we called our home.

Fate had been on my side the night of Samhain, one year ago, when I had met the two. Instead of feasting on me, like they had planned, Yeosang found the love of his life in me, and so did I in him. I have never met anyone as captivating and ethereal as Yeosang, his lips like an aphrodisiac that kept you wanting more and more, even on the verge of unconsciousness. Yeosang, a man that is full of life and only light to offer, is every little girl’s dream. He’s the blonde prince on a white horse from every story, proving to be brave and chivalrous, ready to whisk the princess away. And despite Yeosang’s perfections, he still remains a gwyllon, a fae that is cunning and vicious, ravenous, insatiable.

When nighttime falls, the gwyllon twins wander out into the dark forest, eyes glinting pink and purple, sharp and menacing, as they look for their next unassuming, poor, prey. They are fast and charming; you only realize the trap they had set up for you when it’s already too late. They love the taste of fresh maidens, their souls pure and—according to Yeosang—sweet like honey and thick like blood. Yet despite the gruesome details of their being, I could never find myself repulsed, when the man that returns to me every morning has kind eyes, a soft smile on his lips, and giggles at accidental eye contact until his cheeks turn red, matching the discoloration around his left temple. And if it’s possible, I find myself falling in love with Yeosang each day a little bit more.

The sound of pots and cutlery clinking together resounded in the kitchen as I hummed a soft tune I’ve heard my mother sing to herself often while doing household chores, the cottage filling with a delicious smell as breakfast was almost done. My light hair was pulled behind my shoulders and held together by a red ribbon, waiting for Yeosang to braid it in patterns he finds prettiest. The light pink dress I wore hung freely around my form, a little see-through, with real flowers sewn into the material. Yeosang loves crafting and his hands hold magic I have never seen before. Whatever he touches would come to life, his garden an everlasting green creation, offering home to little animals that love the garden just as much as its master.

I smiled softly at the thought of welcoming Yeosang home with freshly cooked breakfast; the night has been long and probably exhausting as Samhain was just around the corner. The gwyllon twins would get restless around this time of the year, the forces of nature naturally calling out to them, a little harder to suppress their animalistic urges. But I wasn’t afraid of them, Yeosang would never hurt me, he was gentle and knew when to step back if the voices got too loud for him to handle. Perhaps the fact that I wasn’t a maiden anymore, helped too, with satiating his primal urges of taking a maiden’s soul.

I have taken the pot off the stove and walked to the sink, the small mittens crocheted by Yeosang protecting my skin from getting burned, as I poured the hot water inside the sink. We didn’t need the froth for this dish, and once having strained the water, I placed it back onto the stove carefully, taking a spoon to stir the contents. Next would be the kettle, which was now making a loud whistling noise, as I grabbed it off the stove, placing it by the sink to let it cool off. I took off the mittens and placed them next to the kettle, grabbing the few plates that were in the sink to wash them clean as I needed them for breakfast.

The breeze felt nice as it came through the open window, caressing my cheeks almost mischievously, making me giggle. The little wind fairies were the only truly inoffensive creatures in the forest and they absolutely loved Yeosang—perhaps even more than I did. And because they loved and trusted Yeosang, subsequently, they became fond of me too. The seasons were changing, it was colder and colder each day, yet the wind around the cottage remained warm and never too harsh. Yeosang said something about the little wind fairies wanting to protect me from the harsh winter that was approaching as they knew I was more sensitive due to my human nature.

“Good morning, darlings.” I greeted in a whisper, lips pulling into a wide smile when I felt little kisses against my lips, the breeze a little more insistent inside the otherwise stale kitchen. Wind fairies loved kisses, and once I have given them the permission to touch me, their greetings consisted of little, ghostly, kisses. I giggled and opened my mouth to thank them for keeping the rain clouds away from the cottage yesterday, when a cold chill ran up my spine. It wasn’t because of the wind fairies; I knew this feeling too well. And almost as if they were scared of him too, the breeze from inside the kitchen disappeared, and I couldn’t help but shiver as my arms were exposed due to the nature of my dress. I rinsed the last plate, trying to ignore the permeating darkness that seemed to spread through the property, the cottage, the kitchen, all of a sudden. He was close and he was taunting me. Seonghwa, somehow, knew I was afraid of him. His constant torment gave me nightmares more often than not, and I tried not to be in his presence for too long if Yeosang wasn’t there to accompany me.

As I placed the last plate onto the counter, right next to the mittens and hot kettle, my whole body felt like it had turned into an ice cube. I gasped, hands balling up into fists, body rigid as my bottom lip started trembling.

“Eager to poison us, little one?” I jumped, the raspy voice deep and leering as lips brushed against the shell of my ear just barely. In my haste to hold onto the counter as my legs felt unable to hold my body up anymore, I knocked my right hand into the hot kettle, burning my skin. I gasped loudly and went to yank my hand away on reflex, when a much larger hand grabbed my hand painfully and pressed it back against the hot kettle. A cry left my lips as tears sprung into my eyes, the pain traveling from fingers to my palm, spreading up to my wrist as I tried to yank my hand back, but the grip on it was vice and just as hot as the kittle, “Might as well get rid of you first, then.”

“Seonghwa, please.” I whimpered as I felt a tear roll down my cheek, the older twin’s sharp teeth grazing my earlobe teasingly, a chuckle bubbling through Seonghwa’s plush lips. More tears fell as I tried to yank my hand free, but the gwyllon was a lot stronger than I was, my feeble attempts no match against his strength. But abruptly, the chill that permeated my body was gone and so was the vice like grip on my hand as I finally sprung away from the kettle, sniffing as more tears fell from my eyes. I clutched my hand protectively to my chest as I whirled around, right hand shaking and sore as my skin was red and pulsating. Yeosang’s purple eyes were glazed over in furry as his sharp teeth were bared at Seonghwa, holding his twin by the collar of his white shirt that was tucked underneath a tight black corset.

“What are you doing, Seonghwa?!” Yeosang hissed, not in the slightest intimidated by his twin’s cold expression and taller form.

“Preventing her from poisoning us, dear twin.” Seonghwa answered nonchalantly, body relaxed as he let Yeosang grab onto his collar with his other hand too, yanking Seonghwa closer to himself.

“Poisoning us?!” Yeosang’s deep voice went higher in pitch as his eyes widened, “Haven’t we had this talk already?”

“Do you think that changes anything?” Seonghwa laughed coldly, pink sharp eyes now fixated on me. I gulped, covering under his stare as I whipped at the tears still streaming down my face, feeling embarrassed when he smirked in sad*stic satisfaction.

“It does, it—she’s not doing anything wrong!” Yeosang was frustrated, he looked on the verge of snapping. He was always so sweet and loving, calm and collected no matter what. But Samhain was approaching and even he couldn’t control his emotions so well anymore, “She’s not trying to poison us, she’s making us breakfast—”

“As if we eat like these stupid humans—” Seonghwa growled, grabbing his twin’s collar just as tightly as he was being held, “Humans that we eat, Yeosang, her flesh, blood, and soul is our breakfast, not whatever poison she’s cooked us every single morning since you decided to keep her as your pet—”

The slap made me gasp as my eyes widened, a tension filled silence settling around us. Yeosang was a peaceful and loving soul, he would never hurt anyone, let alone his twin. The only creature that understood Yeosang like no one else, his brother, the man that was quite literally his other half, the darkness to his light. Seonghwa and Yeosang were two opposite halves that completed each other, that brought order in the universe, that worked together, loved together, hated together—lived together—for their other half. Hurting each other was—out of question.

“Yeosang.” My voice was faint and surprised as my wide eyes stared at my love, a man that wasn’t himself anymore. A man whose face had contorted into something much darker, much venomous, cheekbones more protruding, and the red discoloration glowing under the natural light of the kitchen.

“You shall never again utter, let alone think, such words about her, about my precious, about Y/N. She’s my lover, the woman, the human, I will cherish until the end of her days and protect from vile creatures—even if that means it’s my own brother—she needs protection from, Seonghwa.” Yeosang’s whole body trembled, voice a mere hiss as he leered at his twin, making my lips tremble as my heart broke for him, “She wakes up every morning at the break of dawn to cook us breakfast, to prepare us something with her own hands, her creation, and all you can be is ungrateful and mocking?! I won’t tolerate this anymore, Seonghwa.”

Thick and tense energy crackled around us as the darkness seemed to ooze out of Seonghwa in waves, blanketing the kitchen in a faint mist, making me shrink back on myself as I felt it nip as my ankles like sharp razor blades, trying to cut at my skin, to harm me. Seonghwa’s body shook, his otherwise round eyes narrowed into slits and blazing pink as they bore into Yeosang’s purple eyes, just as vicious and scary looking as his twin’s. I gulped, scared to speak up, but feeling so guilty for what I have caused. If I wasn’t here, hurting and crying, they wouldn’t be fighting. If Seonghwa wasn’t so bothered by my presence, Yeosang would’ve never treated him like this. Everything was my fault; it always has been. I was a human being, fragile and mortal, and I was horrible, not an ounce of good in my body. Why did Yeosang love me when my sole presence forced a rift between him and Seonghwa? When I have freshly arrived, naïve to everything that surrounded me in this new place, their relationship was visibly tighter, deeper, more passionate. And I was ruining everything.

“Yeosang, stop it.” My voice was still trembling, but I managed to speak louder this time, wincing as something nipped at my ankle just a little more prominently, Seonghwa’s jaw clenching and unclenching as he heard my voice. The crackling energy dissipated as Yeosang’s whole being vibrated, warmth and light pushing through the mist that Seonghwa subconsciously started releasing, reaching me and cradling me in its arms. The nipping at my ankles disappeared, and instead, I felt something soft wrap around it, warm the spot that had started aching, slowly slither up my body and spread through my right palm and fingers. I released a soft sigh and felt my tense muscles relax as the warmth spread through my bones, turning me into puddle as I had to lean into the counter, hold myself up. And as I blinked, Seonghwa was gone, the door slamming shut loudly and his strong footsteps storming down the hallway, past my bedroom, inside his study room. One more blink and Yeosang was standing in front of me, his eyes filled with tears as he gently touched my face, cupping my cheeks into his warm hands.

“Oh, my precious, I’m so sorry.” He whispered, and my heart clenched when a stray tear rolled down his cheek, “I’m so sorry.”

A soft kiss against my lips before he pressed two more against my cheeks, releasing them to hold my injured hand instead, “You are so precious to me, it hurts me so much to see you in pain.”

“I’m sorry.” I found myself whimpering out as I whipped the stray tear off his soft cheek, eyebrows furrowed as I looked down ashamed, “I didn’t mean for you to fight, I just thought—I wanted to cook your favourite breakfast, Yeosang. I knew the night was long and probably tiring as you were out hunting, and I just—but Seonghwa is right, I’m so stupid, you don’t even feed like I do, and I—”

“Shh, precious,” Yeosang’s lips pulled into a small smile, purple eyes twinkling softly as he lowered his head, pressing feather like kisses against my burned hand. I shuddered, skin tingling where he kissed, a soft sigh leaving my lips at the instant relief it brought, “You are not stupid, you are smart and perfect like this, Y/N. Seonghwa is the stupid one. You cooked my favourite breakfast knowing that I had a long and tiring night? Who else would do that for me? Nobody, you’re literally perfect, my precious.”

My lips trembled as I felt myself get teary eyed yet again, sniffing as Yeosang kissed each finger gently, smiling proudly when instead of the painful burn, I felt nothing but jitters and a cooling sensation. I looked down at my hand just as Yeosang tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, and my eyes widened as my hand looked perfectly healed up, no red skin, no burn, no blisters even. I looked back at Yeosang in awe, and he chuckled, cupping my cheek again as he pulled my head closer to his by holding my jaw, and bit his lower lip, “Did you think I would let you suffer and hurt, my precious?”

“I didn’t know you could do that.” I whispered, staring into his captivating eyes, mouth dry by the proximity. I wanted to kiss him, I needed to feel his soft and hot lips against mine.

“For you, I could do anything.” He muttered, and my eyes fluttered shut as he closed the inexistent distance between our lips, stealing my breath away by a soaring kiss.

Despite being outside in Yeosang’s beautiful, soft scented, vibrant garden for the past few hours, my mood seemed to remain sour. Not even the garden gnomes or wind fairies could up-lift it, and I started feeling guiltier as I knew Yeosang could tell something was wrong. His blonde hair was swept back and shimmered under the sunlight, his brows coated in a sheen layer of sweat, his angelic face serene looking. He had washed up after breakfast and put on a fresh set of clothes, practically glowing from having fed at night. His brown trousers matched the soil he was working on, having kneeled into the dirt hours ago, giggling and whispering to his flowers as he went through his routine maintenance for them. His white tunic was flowy around his body, collarbones exposed as they fell apart around his chest. Yeosang’s lips were a vibrant red from the rose petals he’s been chewing on, matching the pretty discoloration at his temple.

I smiled softly as I walked over with a little tray in my hands, a teacup filled with camomile tea ready to be served. I carefully crouched down and placed the tray onto the soil as Yeosang pushed his fingers deep into the soil next to a wildering flower, eyebrows furrowing as his eyes closed. Entranced by him, I leaned closer and pressed a lingering kiss against his temple, against the discoloration that I loved so much. Yeosang fought the smile trying to pull onto his lips, but at last gave up and turned his head as he opened his eyes. I giggled as he looked a little flustered, and couldn’t help but blush as he leaned forward to press a quick kiss against my lips. The breeze suddenly turned warmer around us and I chuckled, looking around at nothing in particular.

“The little wind fairies really like you.” Yeosang spoke up as he turned his head, focusing on the soil again as his eyebrows furrowed, “They wouldn’t warm the breeze for me when I asked, yet they did it for you without you even uttering a word about it.”

I chuckled as Yeosang said that, feeling little pecks on my arms, “Thank you, my darlings.”

Yeosang hummed with a warm smile on his lips, and I watched as the dying flower slowly spring back to life, regaining its vibrant purple colour, almost sighing softly as Yeosang muttered something under his breath before he pulled his fingers out of the soil, lightly grazing the leaf and petals of the flower, “She’s a strong one. Has been battling with this soil for ages now, but in the end, she gave in and withered away.”

“Until you came around and saved her.” I found myself saying as I allowed my fingers to run through Yeosang’s hair, the gwyllon closed his eyes in content and leaned into my touch.

“She didn’t need saving,” Yeosang said softly, turning his head just a little to look at me, “She just needed a little hope that would spark her will back. I merely gave her that. She’ll do just fine on her own from now on, without me.”

“You are kind,” Yeosang’s cheeks flushed a light pink colour, I felt warmth spread through my fingertips from where they touched his scalp, “and beautiful. I brought you tea, to soothe your concerns.”

Yeosang bowed his head in appreciation and leaned forward to retrieve his cup from the tray, looking back at me with a knowing glint in his eyes, “What about yours? What will soothe your concerns?”

I gulped, averting my eyes as I allowed my hand to fall from Yeosang’s hair. I touched the petals of the vibrant flower Yeosang had just resuscitated, and sighed loudly, “I feel so guilty for being the reason you and Seonghwa fought, again. I want to make it right, talk to him, but I’m not sure how he’ll receive my peace offering.”

Yeosang hummed, lips stuck in a constant soft smile as he took small sips of the camomile tea, “Camomile is Seonghwa’s favourite tea. Did you brew it so that you could bring it to him?”

“Am I that predictable?” I chuckled, feeling my cheeks warm up as Yeosang nodded, bopping my nose delicately with his, “Well, then, yes, I thought of bringing him some tea…”

“You should go then, he’s in the study room.” Yeosang finished his cup of tea, placing it back on the tray. I bit my lower lip, feeling a little unsure, but the guilt that was eating me up was stronger, and I knew it wouldn’t go away until I talked to Seonghwa. So, I hummed and nodded, having made my decision, but before I could stand, Yeosang kissed my cheek and wished me good luck. I smiled as I walked back inside the cottage, to the kitchen to fetch a clean cup to fill with camomile tea. I took the little tray and placed the cup onto it, bringing a small refill if Seonghwa decided he’d like to have some more, and then walked down the long hallway that led to his study room. It was silent inside as I paused and tried to listen for movement. Whenever Seonghwa was mad, he wouldn’t touch his piano, however, around this hour of the day he should surely be playing it. It was odd to have the cottage so silent, the beautiful sound of the piano not traveling through every nook and cranny.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the heavy door softly, waiting for a confirmation to enter. But there was nothing, and so, I took it upon myself to walk inside. I opened the door just slightly and poked my head through, heart beat quickening, “Seonghwa?”

But there was no answer and so I slipped inside, freezing when I noticed him sitting at his wide study table, made of mahogany, his back straight and shoulders pulled back as he was frowning down at whatever he was reading. Candles were strewn around the desk as the sunlight was blocked out by blackout curtains, heavy, and expanding from the ceiling to the floor. The room wasn’t too big, but it was lined by bookshelves on both sides, not a single gap visible by the number of books Seonghwa had.

Perhaps he hasn’t heard me yet, and so, I padded further inside carefully, my bare feet hitting the sturdy wooden floor quietly. My hands shook just a little bit as I looked at the tray, trying to make sure I didn’t spill any of the tea. Seonghwa hated chaos and mess, even if that meant a single drop of tea on a silver tray. As I raised my head and looked ahead, I tried not to gasp when I found his eyes on myself, sharp and unwelcoming.

“I—” I gulped, nervous as I felt crackling in the air again, “I’m sorry to impose on you, I thought you’d like to have some camomile tea.”

A beat of silence and I froze, finding it hard to reciprocate Seonghwa’s gaze, “Did you make it?”

“Yes,” I felt a shiver run down my spine as the darkness nipped at my ankles once again, “infused it twice and added two teaspoons of honeydew. Just as you like it.”

Seonghwa’s intense gaze made my heart race as I willed my legs to carry me closer to his desk, feeling the darkness grip at my calves instead of nipping at my ankles, as it usually would do when I was around Seonghwa.

“Put it there.” Seonghwa’s eyes remained glued to my form as he pointed at a free spot on his desk, and I nodded as I finally reached his desk, then carefully leaned over and placed it in the empty spot. I shuddered as I felt the darkness slip higher up, reaching my knees almost. As I went to stand up straight again, Seonghwa’s eyes were narrowed, a sly smirk grazing his lips as his eyes slipped from my face to my chest, stomach, thighs, calves and then slowly back up, the darkness suddenly latching onto my kneecaps, and making them buckle as I gasped, and had to hold onto the desk before I could fall over, “Were you in the garden just now?”

I gulped and tried to compose myself, feeling perspiration run down my temples, disappear into the hair that framed my ears and neck, Yeosang having made braids that fell over my shoulders, “Yes.”

“I can tell.” And then Seonghwa’s eyes, finally, left my body as he looked behind me, lips pursing as he shook his head wordlessly. I looked behind myself and my eyes widened as I scrambled to stand up straight.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” I exclaimed, looking at him with slight panic, “I will clean it up this instant!”

Of all the times, right when I was trying to make peace between him and myself—and Yeosang—did I have to cover the pristine wooden floor of his study with dirty soil. But, to my bewilderment, Seonghwa chuckled and pushed his chair back, standing to his full height. Yeosang was a little taller than me, but Seonghwa would always make me feel small as he towered over me. Sometimes it wasn’t even him, as a being, but his looming and dominant presence that could make me feel like I was easily crushable. Like a bug.

“Yes, it would be lovely if you cleaned up your own mess, little one.” I watched Seonghwa a little warily as he walked around his desk, slowly, tauntingly almost, approach me. His strides were short as his hands were clasped behind his back and I gulped, trying to walk away, only to find myself unable to move. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked down, trying to figure out what was wrong and why have my legs started going numb. When I looked back at Seonghwa, he was smirking, looking amused. I felt like a mouse trapped by something invisible. And almost as if he was a mind-reader as well, the darkness gripped just a little tighter at my knees, forcing me to fall back into the desk. Yes, Seonghwa was holding me hostage then, his darkness more precisely. I gripped the mahogany desk behind myself, trying to look fearless as I craned my neck up, looking at Seonghwa as he stopped one foot away from me, “You like creating mess, little one, don’t you?”

I gulped and shook my head slowly no, feeling goosebumps travel up my exposed arms. It was gradually colder in here than in Yeosang’s lovely garden, “Oh, you don’t now?”

“I don’t—” I gulped, heartbeat faster than before as I felt trapped, desperate to run, just like on the night of Samhain a year ago, “I don’t like mess, nor creating it.”

“Hilarious, because you sure keep messing up everything.” Seonghwa’s lips pulled into a sneer as he closed the distance between our bodies, and my grip tightened on the desk, feeling the darkness crawl higher up on my body, gripping at my naked thighs, making my eyes widen as I gasped. Seonghwa chuckled, leaning down as he tilted his head to the left, sharp eyes making him look menacing.

He had also changed out of his previous clothes, black leather clung to his long legs tightly, grey sh*t undone until you could see the flash of his abdomen. Soft chain, a choker, clung onto his neck and then it came down in two long chains that dangled in front of his pectorals, going around his sides and probably connecting in the back as they came back attached to his choker at the back.

“I don’t wish to mess up everything,” My voice was quiet, slightly trembling as I finally couldn’t withhold Seonghwa’s eye contact anymore as I looked at his tan neck, “I just want peace.”

“Peace?” Seonghwa whispered, his closeness and strong scent leaving me lightheaded as the darkness wrapped around my thighs, making me gulp, “Once you die there will be peace.”

My eyebrows furrowed and I desperately wanted to run away, go back to Yeosang, far away from this gwyllon, but I couldn’t move, Seonghwa didn’t let me, “Must I die? Can’t you—just accept that I’m here? I’m not like you, I won’t live for an eternity. I’m just a mortal human, Seonghwa.”

“And that’s the issue.” Seonghwa hissed and suddenly grabbed my neck, forcing my head back to look me in the eyes. My jaw clenched and I was breathing heavier, trying not to give in to the fear that was coursing through my veins, “You are human and we should’ve consumed you ages ago. But that stupid brother of mine fell in love with you. Gwyllons aren’t capable of feeling love, did you know?”

My jaw clenched as I felt a wave of anger surge through my body at the implication that Yeosang didn’t love me, “Maybe you aren’t capable of feeling love, but Yeosang is. He’s shown me numerous times how much he loves me, how much he’s willing to do for me.”

Seonghwa snorted, pink eyes turning just a little darker as his grip tightened around my neck, “Yeosang loves me too, not just you, little one.”

“So, where’s the problem?” I asked with furrowed eyebrows, gripping onto Seonghwa’s arm as the darkness bit at my right thigh, making my stomach clench. Seonghwa’s jaw clenched and unclenched as his eyes took my face in, lingering on my eyes and lips as he licked his plush ones slowly.

“You are the problem.” Seonghwa hissed and suddenly lurched forward, making me whimper as I tried to yank myself away from him as I squeezed my eyes shut. I expected a slap, a bite, perhaps even a kiss, but instead, I felt warm puffs of air hit my lips as my body started trembling. A beat of silence passed before Seonghwa spoke up, voice so low I barely heard it, “You reek of Yeosang.”

“I was with him in the—”

“I will break your skin apart with my claws and dismember you while you’re still alive, little one. And then, as the life drains from your eyes, I will suck your soul out and trap it, so that you’ll forever be in agony, trapped and forced to haunt me.” My eyebrows furrowed as my chest heaved for air, every cell in my body shaking as a sinister and mad look crossed Seonghwa’s features, tongue poking out to lick at my parted lips, “Because even in your death, I won’t let you rest, for you have ruined everything, took away what Yeosang and I had. You are nothing but a pet and once Yeosang has had enough of you, I will get rid of you, and you will never be free.”

Tears streamed down my face as Seonghwa threw his head back and cackled, loudly, the sound loud in the silent room and making my skin itch as I finally found the will to push at his chest, desperate to run away. And for a second, I thought Seonghwa would do what he had just said right now, but the darkness disappeared, and so did Seonghwa’s touch as he stepped back, watching me amused, “Scramble along, little one. I don’t wish to see your pitiful face any longer. Send my regards to my lovely twin and tell him the tea was fascinating.”

I didn’t wait for Seonghwa to finish his sentence as I scrambled towards the door, slipping and almost falling onto the ground as sobs threatened to wreck my body, eyes overspilling with tears as they poured down my cheeks. What have I done so gravely in my past life that Seonghwa wouldn’t accept me?

A silence that rattles you to the bones—to your very core—made my laboured breaths sound even louder than they were, forehead covered in a sheen layer of sweat, and temples thumping. I felt disoriented, I couldn’t make out where I was. But everything was cold and dark, so dark, that I couldn’t even see my own hands if I extended them in front of myself. My throat was burning and my feet were aching, and I was aware that I was running from something. I couldn’t tell from what, but I just knew I couldn’t stop if I wanted to live. I bunched up my skirt and raised it even higher, hissing as thorns cut at my ankles and calves, blood dripping down my legs. My body felt spent, aching, but I couldn’t tell what had caused it. So, I continued running aimlessly in the abiding darkness, blind to my surroundings, skin covered in goosebumps from the eery silence. And I ran even harder, chest heaving painfully, and throat screaming for water, until I wasn’t running anymore. Until I collided against something solid, making me cry out in fright. I staggered backwards, but was quickly caught and yanked forward again, making me fight against the grip on my arms. The figure holding me was one with the darkness, composed of shadows and a suffocating mist that made me feel choked up, gasp for air. And then, something white and sharp, accompanied by blazing pink orbs made me freeze up, my body going limp, “Your end has come, little one.”

I sprung up into a sitting position, gasping loudly for air as my whole body trembled, covered in sweat as my mated hair was stuck to my forehead. It was cold inside my room, and I realized with a start, that I had left the window open, as I reached over to retrieve the cup of water from my nightstand, throat burning as if I had been screaming for hours on no end. And maybe I was, maybe this was the dream—a state of eternity—and Seonghwa had already killed me. My lips trembled as the cold water soothed my aching throat, making me whimper as I scrambled out of my bed, paranoid and frightened. I couldn’t tell for sure what was real or not, I needed to see. I didn’t want to be alone; I was too scared to go back to sleep—if this was the actual reality. And so, I grabbed a blanket and threw it over my shoulders as I approached the door, pushing it open slowly, not wanting to make it creak in fear of attracting unwanted attention onto myself.

The hallway was dark, all candles blown out, a sign that it was possibly very late and everyone was asleep by now. I pulled the blanket slightly tighter around my shoulders as the wind howled in the distance, the wind fairies keeping it away from the house in order to not frighten me. I was forever grateful to them, but right now, it was just as scary as if it would have been if it were rattling above our little cottage. I took slow and quiet steps, trying to avoid the creaking floorboards as I walked towards Yeosang’s room, faint voices echoing down the hallway. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but the closer I got, the clearer they became. Light came from underneath Yeosang’s closed door, and my eyebrows furrowed as I heard his and Seonghwa’s voices, but they sounded rough, angry even, “She’s been here for a year now, Yeosang! How long until you get rid of her?”

My heart raced as I became one with the wall, pushing myself up against it and eavesdropping in on their conversation—or argument. I knew it was wrong, but I had to know Seonghwa’s reasoning. I couldn’t live like this anymore, with so much hatred, despite not having done anything to him. I wanted to understand too, I wanted to become better. For him, for Seonghwa.

“She’s not someone to get rid of, Seonghwa!” Yeosang’s deep voice sounded frightening for the first time I have known him, and I shuddered at the venom coating it, “I’m not getting rid of her, ever. She’s mine and I will cherish her human years, celebrate her, and love her.”

“You are sick.” Seonghwa hissed back, and I tensed as I heard hurried footsteps inside the room, “You have gone mad. Humans are what keep us alive, brother, we don’t keep them around as our pets. We don’t need them as our own personal toys—”

“That’s not what you thought about that fiery redhead a hundred years ago, brother.” My eyebrows furrowed as prolonged silence fell over the room, and then a low hiss followed, the crackling of energy loud inside Yeosang’s room. Seonghwa’s darkness seeped through underneath the door in waves, and I quietly gasped as I tiptoed a little backwards, away from it, scared that it would reach me and alert Seonghwa that I was here.

“She was different—”

“And so is Y/N to me, when will you understand?!” More footsteps, and it sounded as if they were going around in circles, as if one of them was restless and pacing, “What is the real issue here, Seonghwa? What is truly bothering you, brother?”

A sharp intake of breath and the footsteps stopped, the harsh voice was closer to the door than before, and I shrunk back against the wall again, “You—you have abandoned me, Yeosang, I am nothing to you anymore. You don’t look at me, you don’t listen to me, you don’t spend your time with me anymore. Everything is about that wrenched human being, Yeosang, everything! I lost my brother, my twin, to a scum that roams this Earth like the pitiful creature she is, cursed to die at a young age and yet—you still choose her over me every single day. You don’t love me anymore, brother, you don’t want me anymore.”

My heart clenched upon hearing Seonghwa’s crestfallen voice, the tremble in it, and I watched as the darkness dissipated, leaving nothing but icy coldness in its wake, “Seonghwa…I will never love any creature more than I love you, you are my other half, my twin. I care deeply for that human, but you—you and I are bound together, and I am just as scared of losing you as you are of losing me. Please, stop this nonsense and welcome her, she doesn’t have much time left anymore. Let us have this little remaining time together, please, you have me for an eternity, Seonghwa, she doesn’t. I love you and I want you. We can’t live without each other.”

“And yet you’ve been doing just fine by pushing me away…” My eyebrows furrowed as my mind raced with thoughts filled of confusion. What did they mean that I was going to die soon? And how was I cursed? When did that happen? Who did that? What does all of this mean, and why have they kept quiet about it if they knew?

I jumped as Yeosang’s bedroom door flung open, revealing my timid form covering in the shadows to whoever stood in the open doorway, “I can promise you one thing, I will kill her before the curse can.”

Eyes wide and big as I stared at Seonghwa’s terrifying face glaring daggers at me from where he stood, I tried to scramble away as he came towards me, but the darkness gripped at my ankles and held me in place. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t scowl at me anymore, he just brushed past me with a look that held a wordless promise that my days were counted. My eyebrows furrowed as my eyes filled with tears again, but I quickly pushed them back and swallowed them as a distressed Yeosang appeared in the doorway, “Seonghwa, I can—my precious.”

“I’m sorry.” I whispered, feeling powerless as I stared at my lover, “I had a bad dream, I was terrified to sleep alone. I’m sorry.”

“Come here.” Yeosang spread his arms with a soft smile, his purple eyes twinkling softly as I felt the darkness release me, allow me to walk towards Yeosang. I buried myself against his chest, his strong arms carefully wrapping around me until he walked us backwards, guiding me inside his room, “You’re safe here, precious, I’ll keep your nightmares away.”

Yeosang’s body has always been warm, lips hot, and his purple eyes able to make your skin jittery. But perhaps, my most favourite place was in Yeosang’s firm and muscular arms, where I knew I was safe and loved. Here, nothing bad could happen to me. The outside world didn’t matter, nothing could reach us and harm us. In Yeosang’s arms, I could sleep for an eternity and even more. Something featherlike, soft and warm, tickled my skin just below my jaw, lightly nipping at it at times. A content sigh left my lips as my body was engulfed in silk and an everlasting warmth that made it hard for my eyes to flutter open, the featherlike sensation slipping just a little bit lower, becoming more prominent as it pressed against my neck, right against my sweet spot. My lips parted and a choked back moan left through them as a soft melody carried through the otherwise quiet cottage. Seonghwa was playing his piano, a light melody that would often awaken the garden gnomes and enchanted animals of the forest that lived near our cottage.

Something soft brushed against my jaw and I moaned again as the nipping continued lower, towards my exposed collarbones as my nightgown had fallen almost off my shoulders during the night. I shifted more onto my back, left hand coming up to grip onto the blonde strands of the gwyllon, whose left hand slipped underneath my nightgown and teased my goosebump covered skin, making me take my bottom lip between my teeth as his lips pressed open mouthed kisses just above my left breast. Reflexively, my legs parted wider as his hand slipped just above my knee, kneading the naked flesh of my thigh as a warm and heavy body settled on top of me, between my legs. My fingers tangled further into the hair at his nape, and with my right hand, I took the liberty to explore the taunt muscles of my lover, hidden underneath his night shirt. The texture was soft against my skin as my hand came in contact with his hot skin, tracing his back muscles gently, digging my nails playfully into his skin, knowing he loves that. Chest heaving as a certain burn settled between my legs, a gasp of his name slipped past my lips just as Seonghwa’s soothing melody became more aggressive, livelier, “Yeosang.”

Yeosang’s teeth bit into the flesh of my breast and my eyes flew open as I craned my neck back, goosebumps covering my skin as his hand slipped higher than my thigh, onto my right ass cheek as he kneaded the flesh there, my own nails digging into his shoulder as he finally looked up in my eyes. Yeosang’s purple orbs were alight with life, sparkling, his complexion glimmering in the morning sunlight, red discoloration on his temple vibrant. My lips parted as I poked my tongue through to lick at them, and Yeosang’s eyes followed the action as if entranced, hand slipping from my ass onto my hip as he leaned up, head coming closer. I was desperate to feel his lips against mine, to have his sweet taste in my mouth, and I moaned loudly as I was finally granted my wish. My eyes closed as Yeosang’s exhale hit my face, his hot lips slotting perfectly against mine as he led the kiss, slow and passionate, just as he liked it. I trapped him between my legs as I raised them and hooked them around his waist, pulling him down, leaving no space between our bodies. Yeosang hummed in content as he sucked on my bottom lip, something coiling deep inside in my stomach, desperate to feel more, “Yeosang.”

“My precious.” He broke away from the kiss as he caressed my face, brushing my light hair out of my eyes and behind my ear as he pressed his erection against where I needed him most, making me whimper, “So beautiful, so desperate for me.”

I nodded, wordlessly, heart racing and skin on fire as I turned my head to kiss his wrist, his hand from my waist finally slipping back underneath my nightgown, towards where I needed him most right now. Yeosang’s mouth found mine just as his fingers found my lower lips, gathering the slick on his fingers as I moaned into his mouth, giving access for his tongue to enter curiously as it lapped against mine. My arms circled his neck as I whined, frustrated by the endless teasing as his fingers rubbed without a purpose—worsening the burn—and I knew he was enjoying it.

“Please.” A plea slipped past my lips as I nipped at his bottom lip, Yeosang’s hot puffs of breath hitting my face as the melody played on the piano by Seonghwa picked up into a raging storm, a concoction of sounds that resembled the howling wind and thunderstorms the wind fairies didn’t often let bother our cottage.

“My precious, my love.” Yeosang whispered against my lips as we made eye contact, his cheekbones a little more prominent and face contorting into something more animalistic, something more like the fae from the folklore books I was made to read when I was younger. But this was my lover, my Yeosang, and I loved him in all shapes and forms, however he presented himself.

“I love you.” I whispered against his lips, eyebrows furrowing when finally, a finger probed at my entrance, slowly slipping inside, making my breath still. Yeosang’s skin looked like gemstones as he glinted in the morning sunlight, face contorted into pleasure as he basked in my reaction, the torturous pace set by his finger bringing tears to my eyes. Yeosang knew my body best, knew what tipped me over, what frustrated me, what had me begging for more, and I moaned loudly as he added a second finger, scissoring them, making my back arch off the bed as he dipped his head into my neck, and inhaled deeply and loudly. Too caught up in the moment, I didn’t notice the deafening silence that fell over the cottage once again as Seonghwa’s performance was over, song coming to a sharp end as if he had slammed his hands down onto the keyboard. The enchanted animals scattered along the property, running away from Seonghwa study’s window, frightened by the sour change of mood.

I moaned as Yeosang’s sharp teeth grazed against my neck, tension building in my lower stomach as his thumb found my cl*t, my breath catching in my throat as my eyes screwed shut, pleasure and tension building faster as Yeosang’s fingers finally set a pace that was satiating enough for the time being. But the door slamming open and into the wall made me gasp sharply as I clung onto Yeosang, who stilled his movements on top of me, shielding my body from prying eyes.

“One of your stupid gnomes broke the vase you wanted to plant today and the seeds are all over the soil, sinking in deep, Yeosang.” Seonghwa’s icy voice was raspy, and I gulped as my body burned with want, Yeosang’s jaw set tightly as he licked his lips, eyes searching mine. Seonghwa wasn’t stupid, he knew what was happening, yet he had no shame. I felt vulnerable and embarrassed the longer he stayed in the doorway, averting my eyes as Yeosang’s eyebrows furrowed.

“I’ll go take care of that, leave now, Seonghwa.” Yeosang’s otherwise soft tone was hard and demanding and after a scoff, Seonghwa’s footsteps retreated as Yeosang sighed heavily, lowering his forehead against mine. I gulped down a whine as his fingers slipped out, my walls clenching and unclenching around nothing. But we were both adults, our needs could wait for later, “I love you.”

I smiled as Yeosang’s hot lips pressed a firm and loving kiss against my forehead, making me hug him tighter before I released him, allowing him to get off me. Instantly I felt cold, and I watched with a pout as he walked to his closet and opened the door, standing with his back facing me. Shamelessly, I let my eyes roam over his body as he stripped of his nightwear and instead wore his usual gardening clothes. His skin was smooth and a little ghostly, muscles taunt and strong, making me remember the time he had me pinned against the wall of his greenhouse as he had his way with me.

“Take your time, precious,” Yeosang’s face had a bright smile on as he turned to face me, buttoning his soft pink shirt, “After I clean up the mess in the garden, I’ll cook us breakfast, how does that sound?”

I giggled and buried my head into Yeosang’s pillow as I turned over, “I really like the sound of that.”

“Lovely.” Yeosang giggled too and then he was out of the room, not bothering to close his door as I would be soon leaving to my own room. I rolled back onto my back and sighed loudly, staring up at the ceiling. I haven’t forgotten what I have overheard last night, but I had to find the right timing to ask Yeosang about it. Could it be true? Was I cursed? But why? Who wished ill on me and my family? I could only hope nothing horrible would happen to my mother and father, I could only hope they found solace and happiness in each other after I left them behind in Glimraskoltr. Would this alleged curse fall onto them once I wasn’t amongst the living anymore?

I sighed and rubbed at my eyes in frustration as I sat up and threw the covers off myself, shivering at the sudden cold atmosphere of the room. As I rose to my feet and looked up, I was greeted by the sight of Seonghwa standing in the open doorway, leering my way. I froze, a lump forming in my throat as suddenly I felt threatened by his seething presence. And before I could react, run away or call for Yeosang, Seonghwa was in front of me, hands roughly pushing me backwards as I yelped. The mattress of Yeosang’s bed was soft as my body bounced against it, heart hammering in my chest as I tried to quickly stand up and leave the room, but Seonghwa was faster as he got on top of me, straddling me, pinning me to the bed, making me feel helpless. I opened my mouth to say something—anything—but his cold and big hand gripped my neck, soft fingers slipping around my skin, tightening before I could intake another breath of hair.

My eyes widened in fright as I gripped his wrist with both hands, nails digging into his flawless skin, unable to speak as his grip became painful and bruising, stealing the breath away from my lungs. I tried to trash around, push him off and get away, but his darkness gripped at my body, making it harder to fight back. And the more I struggled, the quicker I ran out of oxygen, making me panic more as I felt my face warm up, suffocating. Seonghwa’s sharp pink eyes were blank, but filled with darkness as they stared straight down into mine, expressionless besides the slowly expanding smirk on his lips. My eyebrows furrowed as dark spots started covering my vision, the light fading in and out as my strong grip started loosening around his wrist, body going numb as my lungs ached, screamed for air. Seonghwa’s satisfied face suddenly lowered, stopping barely inches away from mine as he inhaled deeply, jaw clenching, and nose flaring as his eyes snapped open. He was blurry, but his pink eyes shone like never before as his eyes focused on my lips, tongue poking out to lick them wet. And then, as violently as my breath was stolen, it was returned as his grip disappeared from around my neck, making me inhale panickedly as my throat and lungs burned, chest wrecked by violent coughs as oxygen flooded my body once again. It burned, it ached, and slowly the numbness dissipated from my limbs, but the darkness still made me unable to move.

“You reek of Yeosang.” Seonghwa’s voice was a mere rasp, and then his plush lips were forcefully shoved onto mine, making my eyes widen as I gripped his shoulders, trying to push him off. He caged me in between his arms as he forced my mouth open by biting down painfully on my bottom lip, making me yelp against his mouth. His tongue was intrusive as it desperately slipped inside my mouth, exploring it and lapping at my tongue, saliva dripping down our chins as I made futile attempts to get him off. Fingers tangling harshly into my hair, I whimpered, making Seonghwa moan as he flushed his body against mine, gripping my jaw in place as I attempted to turn my head away. I felt tears slowly slip down my temples, and in a last attempt, I bit his tongue harshly, making him groan as he ripped himself away from my mouth.

“Stop!” I cried out, hitting his chest as the darkness finally disappeared, letting me move again as I wrestled him off myself, scrambling off the bed and onto my feet as I tried not to sob. Seonghwa had a gleeful smirk on his face as he chuckled, whipping his mouth with the back of his palm, before he bit his bottom lip provocatively.

“Samhain is just around the corner, little one, watch out.”

Tonight was Samhain. The air was filled with tension as Yeosang, Seonghwa, and I sat in the kitchen, the gwyllon twins watching me wordlessly as I ate my dinner. They wouldn’t be consuming human food tonight. They couldn’t digest it, not tonight. Samhain to them was the most important night of the year, where they would feed, and rejuvenate their bodies and essence for another year to come. The veil between the living and dead was thin, it gave them the chance to strengthen their powers, refresh their bodies, and satiate their undying thirst for souls of maidens. The silver knife slipped from my hand and it loudly clanked against the silver plate, but neither of them flinched as my body tensed, making me pause my chewing as I glared daggers at my plate. It was hard to ignore the permeating sharp gaze of the gwyllon watching my every move, jaw clenched, and eye twitching every other second. I knew they were both thirsty, famished, but Seonghwa wasn’t even trying to hide it as he had to gulp every few seconds while staring at my neck and lips.

Something has changed ever since he kissed me, forced himself onto me. It was days ago, yet I haven’t told Yeosang yet. I just couldn’t, I didn’t have it in me. I felt guilty, I must have done something very dire for Seonghwa to react like that towards me. Overhearing his argument with Yeosang led me to believe that perhaps Seonghwa was jealous of me, that he felt like Yeosang was trying to replace him with me. But that wasn’t true. Their bond was irreplaceable, I could never come in between the twins.

I felt guilty for everything that’s happened these past few days, however, thinking back on it, Seonghwa has always been cold and animus towards me. Yeosang blamed it on Samhain, has explained how it was making them both act up and feel like they weren’t themselves. He said Seonghwa always struggled controlling his emotions during this time of the year, and that he was merely projecting his frustrations onto those around him. Yeosang then proceeded to reassure me that this wasn’t their first nor last fight, after all, they would live for an eternity. I wasn’t the cause of their fight, is what Yeosang has said.

I finally managed to chew the steak Yeosang helped me cook, and then I looked up, finding my lover frowning as he was scribbling something in his notebook. He was missing some seeds, he had said so yesterday, and so he was making an inventory for himself. Seonghwa, however, kept his sharp eyes fixated on me, hands curled into fists as his eye twitched again. I quickly averted my eyes, feeling chills running down my spine. Something was wrong, felt wrong. I couldn’t tell what it was, but whenever I looked at Seonghwa, I felt something deep in my gut that told me something bad was about to happen. I hated that feeling, I was scared. He hasn’t spoken to me ever since he forced himself onto me, but his eyes burned holes into the side of my head whenever we were in the same room, and the songs he played on the piano have become borderline eery. His face remained emotionless, but his sharp eyes were narrowed and menacing whenever they lingered on me, tongue darting out to lick at his plush lips. My stomach churned, and I had to push my plate away, feeling like I was becoming sick. As I opened my mouth to speak up, Seonghwa pushed his chair back, standing up abruptly.

“We should get ready, brother.” His tone was cold and his eyes lingered on me for a second longer, lip twitching into an almost smirk, making my nausea become stronger.

“One second.” Yeosang muttered as he finished up his notes, then closed his notebook, and pushed his chair back. Seonghwa has walked away, footsteps echoing down the hallway as he was headed to his room, and I grasped Yeosang’s hand before he could leave.

“I—” My stomach clenched and I gulped, looking up at Yeosang with fear written all over my face, “Something is wrong, my love. I just—I can feel it. Seonghwa, he—he must have planned something for tonight, Yeosang.”

“Oh, my sweet, precious, girl.” Yeosang’s eyebrows furrowed as he stood and stepped closer, pulling my head against his firm stomach as he brushed his fingers through my hair, undoing the braids he had done this morning, “You are so tense, I can smell it in the air. You have nothing to worry about, my precious, it’s Samhain tonight, even I don’t feel like myself. It’s normal for us, Seonghwa and I, to act a little out of character. But you have nothing to fear, I have reinforced the wards and the garden gnomes and wind fairies are always one call away from you. They can protect you in my absence, they are stronger than they seem.”

I bit my lower lip as I nuzzled my head against the soft fabric of Yeosang’s tunic, “I know, but…I’m scared, Yeosang, he’s made too many threats lately. I just have a very bad feeling about tonight.”

Yeosang sighed and gently pulled my head back before he crouched down, pressing his forehead against mine, “You have nothing to fear, my precious, it’ll pass before you can blink. Tomorrow morning, you’ll wake up to me cuddling you, and after we’ve had a delicious breakfast, I’ll bring you to a friendly Druid’s house, introduce you to him. I think it would be lovely if you made some friends around here, precious.”

But right now, I couldn’t focus on Yeosang’s sweet, reassuring words, my gut feeling was stronger and it left me feeling helpless once again, “Yeosang, promise me you’ll return to me tonight.”

“I promise, my precious.” He whispered as I pressed my lips against his firmly, hands gripping his neck as I clung to him desperately, our lips moving in a hungry, rushed manner. I made sure to lock the feel of his hot lips deep in my memories, to inhale his flowery and fresh scent, touch his soft skin, and revel in the fuzzy and safe feeling Yeosang’s presence brought. I didn’t want to let go, I didn’t want to end the kiss, but Yeosang had to go. The moon would soon rise, and he had to be in town by that time, looking for his prey for the night.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Flashes of lightning made me jump each time as the wind rattled the hinges of the windows violently, making me clutch onto my golden necklace tighter each time. It seems like the wind fairies couldn’t keep the storm away anymore, and I just wished Yeosang was here, that we’d be drinking a warm cup of tea and falling asleep together in the safety of his bed. But the cottage was empty and hollow without him—and Seonghwa—here, and I grew more and more restless the longer the night went on without the two returning. I knew it was Samhain, but they never stayed out for too long, dangerous for them once they have consumed the soul of a maiden. Humans, or worse, Druids, could find them and enslave them for their sad*stic needs. I gasped quietly as another thunder shook the ground rather harshly, making the coil in my stomach worsen as I released a shaky breath, feeling sicker and sicker as I had to stand up, pace around the kitchen as I clutched the Amethyst pendant of my necklace for comfort. It was a gift from Yeosang, given on the second week of my arrival here. It usually worked in easing my nerves, but tonight it seemed fruitless as I felt my legs compelled to walk out into the hallway.

The air was chilly and the long-sleeved dress wasn’t warm enough as I rubbed my arms for warmth, a few candles having burned down in the hallway, casting shadows that made me tense up as they reminded me of Seonghwa. His study’s room was ajar, and as I came to a pause in front of it, I felt a sudden urge to walk inside, my gut screaming at me to check his desk. It was a breech of privacy, and I knew Seonghwa would leash out if he found out I had been inside his study without his permission, but I couldn’t care less as I walk inside at last. I grabbed a candle on the way to his desk and went around it, eyebrows furrowing as I was met with a dozen of opened books to specific pages, weirdly all talking about a crystal ball. Most weren’t written in a language I could understand, but I could put two and two together based on the drawings in the ancient books. I leaned a little closer, holding the candle above the book as I found one that I could read and understand. My eyebrows furrowed as something dropped low in my stomach as my eyes ran over the cursive handwriting, heartbeat gradually picking up.

The page was talking about caging one’s soul, about a ritual that would bind them together for an eternity. With shaky fingers, I touched the book and flipped the page, breathing shakily as I read the next page as well. The captured soul would need a vessel and a part of the one that captures them. I pushed the book aside, finding one more that I could understand, describing a ritual that involved using a crystal ball. Crystal balls were apparently good if you wished for your prey to see everything despite being trapped. I scrambled backwards, almost dropping the candle on all the books and burning the cottage down as my body started trembling in fear. This was about me. Seonghwa’s threats weren’t empty, he wanted to trap my soul inside a crystal ball for eternity, to make me suffer for stealing Yeosang away from him.

I could feel panic rise inside my body as I ran out of his study, slamming the door behind myself as my bottom lip started trembling, on the verge of a hysterical fit as I turned in circles, trying to make sense of it all. I dropped the candle and fell to my knees, heaving and retching, but by stomach refused to give up on its contents, and so, despite feeling powerless, I forced myself to stand up. I had to leave before Seonghwa returned, I had to go back to Glimraskoltr. I had to go far away from this place, where Seonghwa wouldn’t be able to find me, headed towards Mist, perhaps even Aurora. Maybe I’d be safer in the King’s burgh than here.

Without thinking much and lingering around for longer, I kissed the Amethyst and hoped Yeosang would understand as I ran down the dark hallway, feeling like I was being watched by shadows. I threw the front door open and yelped as a harsh thunder shook the ground, making my body shake more. My knees were wobbly as I left the safety of the cottage; one step, two steps, three steps, and I was drenched from head to toe, nose burning and eyes filled with tears as my heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest the further I tried to walk from the cottage. But barely at my fifth step, I stopped, frozen, gasping loudly as rain poured in my mouth. It was cold, my teeth clanked together and I had to shield my eyes from the ruthless water, but he was there. Seonghwa. He stood at the edge of the wards, one with the darkness behind himself, pink orbs glinting vibrantly in the cold and haunting night. I gulped, realizing I would have to face him now, hopeful that Yeosang would save me just this once again. But as Seonghwa took off, blonde hair clinging to his head, sharp teeth on display due to the wide, mad, grin he had on his face, I realized Yeosang wasn’t following behind him. He was alone. Yeosang wasn’t here. I gulped and started walking backwards as Seonghwa gained in on me, something glinting around his neck that caught my eyes. I heard screams, faint, barely there, but they sounded desperate.

As my back collided with the front door and Seonghwa came to a stop in front of me, chuckling as his sharp eyes looked amused, my eyes fell onto the crystal ball hanging around his neck. My soul would be inside it in no time, I tried not to sob at the thought, “Where’s Yeosang?”

No answer came as I chewed on my bottom lip, growing borderline hysterical as the faint screams sounded harsher and louder this time, coming from the crystal ball. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at it again, and from up close, it was pulsating, vibrating, and emanating warmth. A faint purple hue to it and—a desperate cry fell from my lips as I looked up at Seonghwa wildly, “Where’s Yeosang?!”

My scream was shrill and as my eyes fell onto the crystal ball again, two purple orbs stared back at me. I wailed loudly as I threw myself at Seonghwa, punching at his chest violently, “Where’s Yeosang, Seonghwa?! Where’s my love?! What did you do?!”

The sharp claws that pushed into my jaw made me whine, and my head was tilted back as Seonghwa smirked, leaning down as the rain continued to pour down on us, blinding me and making me shake violently, “Shh, little one, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“Where’s Yeosang?!” I screamed again and pushed at Seonghwa’s chest violently, careful not to hit the crystal ball. My head was thumping, my lungs were aching, and my body was numb from the cold rain, but it was finally coming together, everything was making sense. Those books on Seonghwa’s desk, about trapping one’s soul, the crystal balls, it wasn’t for me, “What did you do, Seonghwa?!”

My wails were loud enough to reach Glimraskoltr as suddenly Seonghwa hissed, tilting my head back more, and then he slammed his lips against mine, making me cry harder as I refused to kiss him back. His lips set a bruising pace, and he bit and nipped on my bottom lip, growing more and more frustrated when he realized I wouldn’t kiss him back, “Yeosang is gone, little one, forever.”

I whimpered, and despite the rain washing my tears down, new ones kept flowing down my cheeks. Seonghwa scoffed, and I felt darkness nip at my ankles, painfully this time as blood trickled down my flushed skin, and then I was up in the air, the darkness slipping up to my thighs as it kneaded at them, Seonghwa’s arms strong and secure underneath my thighs as he held me against himself. The front door was kicked open as he walked us inside, and despite trying to force my body to fight against Seonghwa, I couldn’t move. The coldness became even worse as everything felt numb, and I realized he was taking us to his room. I have never been inside Seonghwa’s room despite being here for a year.

“Yeosang.” I cried as my eyes fell on the crystal ball again, lungs desperate for air as the love of my life was trapped inside a crystal ball by his own twin, “Why, Seonghwa, why?!”

“I was stupid and blind,” Seonghwa rasped, glinting pink eyes finding mine as he kicked his door open, “I didn’t see what I had in front of me, I didn’t acknowledge the feelings, I didn’t realize sooner, little one. I’ve always wanted you; you were mine since the very beginning. I had set my eyes on you first, I had claimed you on our hunt first, you were mine all this time, little one, not Yeosang’s—”

“I’m in love with Yeosang!” I screamed, and finally felt the darkness disappear as I tried to slap Seonghwa, only for him to block my attack, “I hate you, Seonghwa, and I always will. Bring him back to me, bring Yeosang back!”

“Quiet, stupid human!” Seonghwa hissed as he threw me onto his bed, getting on top of me as he grabbed my neck, squeezing tight enough to cut off the air just slightly, “I’m not your stupid, soft boy, lover Yeosang. You will not disrespect me, little one—”

“You don’t deserve my respect!” I screamed as I dug my nails into his skin, trying to pry his hand off as I grabbed his chin, trying to push his head away, “I will die if I have to for Yeosang. I refuse to live without him.”

“Something that isn’t mortal cannot die, little one.” Seonghwa’s other hand came to cradle my cheek, rub his forefinger against my cheekbone almost affectionately.

“What are you talking about?” I croaked in a whisper, sounds that resembled sobbing echoing from the crystal ball around Seonghwa’s neck. I felt tears spring back to my eyes, heart breaking as I wanted to touch Yeosang, tell him that I would find a way to bring him back.

“Ghouls don’t have a soul that dies, neither do they have foolish feelings like you, my little one.” My eyebrows furrowed in confusion at Seonghwa’s words, but before I could try and decipher them, the crystal orb was vibrating and screaming so loudly it made me wince, warmth somehow reaching my limbs and freeing me from that unbearable numbness. I softened in Seonghwa’s arms, feeling Yeosang’s comforting and safe warmth surround me, wrap me up in a cocoon that felt almost like an armour. But Seonghwa just chuckled and glanced at the crystal ball, shaking his head, “She’s mine now, you fool.”

But the warmth persisted even as Seonghwa’s lips pressed against mine, his grip on me forcing my mouth open as he squeezed my jaw painfully so, making me wince in pain. Something dribbled into my mouth, warmth and sweet like honeydew, and I felt my stomach flip upside down as I looked Seonghwa in the eyes, watching a triumphant look cross his eyes. As his spit meddled with mine, suction was created through our mouths, and my eyes widened as an excruciating pain crawled up from inside my body, trying to break through to the surface. I couldn’t even scream or trash around as tears fell from my eyes, body shaking once again as it felt like my whole being was ripped open. Seonghwa moaned loudly and pressed his body fully against mine as he cradled my head, pressing his lips harder against mine, and sucking harder, my vision turning white as Yeosang’s screams were the only thing I could hear, mixed with Seonghwa’s high pitched moans.

Before I lost consciousness, I promised I would save Yeosang no matter what, even if he’d have to wait for me to return in another lifetime. But did those without a soul die, or did they turn into nocturnal creatures that roamed the dark forests of the Kingdom of the Fallen, waiting for their revenge?

❱❱ Next part

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.